愛とあまたの祝福と アイリーン
My Ways in the eyes of man
As you surrender your life to Me and learn to live by the ways of the Spirit, you realise that My ways, My wisdom and understanding, are as utter foolishness in the eyes of man. As you seek Me and put Me first in your life, and bring My Kingdom down on Earth for all to see, man's ways and laws become as nothingness.
Know that you cannot have a foot in both worlds, that you cannot serve Me and mammon; you have come to a crossroads in your life and have to make your choice. Those of you who have made this choice know that when I am put first in everything and your love for Me is beyond all else, all I have is yours and you lack nothing, for your every need is wonderfully met even before you ask.
With love and blessings, Eileen